
Showing posts from April, 2018

11 Safety Tips for Traveling Abroad

   With so many new things to see and do, travelling abroad can be a wonderful experience. Unfortunately, an amazing trip can quickly take a turn for the worse if you aren't careful about your safety. To help ensure your trip remains as safe as possible, follow these safety tips before and during your trip abroad.                                        Safety tips for before you leave:  1. Get vaccinated.   While travelling abroad may increase your risk of contracting certain illnesses, getting vaccinated can help reduce your risk of becoming sick. Before leaving, ask your doctor about which vaccines are recommended for people travelling to your chosen destination and consider getting vaccinated.   2. Purchase medical insurance.   Illnesses and injuries can h...

Controlling the Symptoms of Secondary Lymphedema: Does the Ketogenic Diet Really Work

For sufferers of secondary lymphedema, it can be hard to find management strategies that provide noticeable results. In the struggle, however, there is one treatment option that has seen increased interest over the past few years - the ketogenic diet. White formal research is still lacking as to whether the diet itself has any direct beneficial effects for sufferers of secondary lymphedema, there are several first-hand accounts that suggest adhering to the ketogenic diet may help alleviate certain symptoms.   So, what is the ketogenic diet? Much like the Atkins diet, the ketogenic diet (or simply, the keto diet) is a low-carb, high-fat, and adequate-protein diet. While the diet is more traditionally prescribed as an alternative treatment for children with epilepsy, it is currently being considered as a potential treatment for several additional conditions, including secondary lymphedema. Though varying successes have been reported by secondary lymphedema sufferers who have t...

Should an Oral Irrigator Be Used Before or After Brushing

In recent years, oral irrigators have become an important part of many oral hygiene routines. Upon bringing home that first oral irrigator, however, many people are unsure about whether to use it before or after brushing their teeth. So, when is the best time to use an oral irrigator? Well, according to dental professionals, the best time to use an oral irrigator is prior to brushing your teeth. Here's why.   As oral irrigators can remove much of the debris on and around your teeth, they can help lessen the burden on your toothbrush and make your brushing efforts afterwards more effective. Using an oral irrigator prior to brushing also provides you with direct feedback on its effectiveness as you can easily see the debris being cleared away. This direct feedback often provides the extra motivation needed to continue using the product in the future.

How to Choose the Right College or University Program for You

Okay, so you know that you want to attend either a college or a university. That's great, but now what? Well, from here we must decide upon the kind of courses you'd like to be in once you get there. Choosing some interesting subjects is an important first step in the whole process of deciding just what program you'd like to take in college or university. Without thinking this one over carefully, you could find yourself in a course that you really don't care for, and for obvious reasons you probably won't do so well in. This is the downfall of many students. To give yourself a better chance at picking the right courses for yourself, when it comes time to apply, there are a few things you should consider:  - What are your likes? - What are your dislikes? - What were your favourite subjects in high school? - Were there ones you'd rather avoid? - What can you see yourself enjoying five years from now? What are your likes?  So you are stuck when it com...

7 Steps to a Better Nights Sleep

Are you having trouble getting a good night's sleep? If you are, you're not alone. Whether the cause is from a medical condition, stressful situations in life, irregular sleep patterns from shift work, or any number of other reasons, more and more people are waking up feeling less than rested. Though we can't eliminate everything from our lives that can make our time sleeping less than ideal, there are some suggestions anyone can try that can lead to a better night's sleep.   #1 - Exercise Regularly Some light exercise, such as yoga or walking, can help you get a better night's sleep when done on a regular basis. This is because 30 to 60 minutes of exercise, when done at least three times a week, can help to relieve any built up muscle tension. Less muscle tension will allow you to feel more relaxed in bed, essentially laying the groundwork for a deeper, more effective sleep. The best time to exercise is during the morning hours, however early in the afternoon ...

Take Your Real Estate Game to the Next Level with Seasonal Staging

When it comes to home selling strategies, one of today's most commonly used tactics is staging. So, how can you stage a home, yet still have it stand out from all the other staged houses for sale in the neighbourhood? Well, to help a staged home stand out from rest, try adding some seasonal staging props. By including some subtle seasonal additions in your staging displays, you can take your home staging game to the next level. Continue reading for staging tips unique to each season. Spring Staging Tips: If you'll be staging a home in the spring, try using some fresh cut flowers to add a little life and colour to an otherwise generic area. Mildly scented flowers are often best for staging purposes, as stronger scents may be off-putting to potential buyers. Stronger scents could also cause buyers to prematurely leave an area of the home without fully exploring all it has to offer. Other scents that work well during a spring staging include citrus scents like lemon and oran...